Monday, 17 Feb, 2025

Records of the Conference

Starting speech in the 1st International Congress
His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem. Theophilos III
Greeting at the beginning of the 1st International Congress
Manager of the N.G.O. "Romiosini" Mr. Petros Kiriakidis
“Romiosini and Christianism”
Mr. Fotios Dimitrakopoulos, Professor of Byzantine Philology of the Athens University
“Hellenism and Romiosini. The unbroken continuity of the classical tradition in the Byzantium and later to the new Hellenism”
Mr. Constantinos G. – A. Niarchos, Professor in Ancient Hellenic Philosophy of the University of Athens
“Roman – Grecian and Greek nation”
Mrs. Mary Mantouvalou, Adjunct Professor at the Philosophy School of Athens
“The Holy pilgrimages of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem: The spiritual pearls of the Orthodoxy as well as of the Romiosini”
Mr. Athanassios Paliouras, Professor of Byzantine Archaeology of the University of Ioannina
“The N.G.O. “Romiosini” as a vehicle of Reborning of Hellenism”
Mrs. Aikaterini Diamantopoulou, Theologist MA – Philologist PhD in Philosophy Deputy Manager of N.G.O. “Romiosini”
“Romiosini, the Abroad Hellenism, Professing born Patriarchates”
Head priest George Dionys. Dragas Professor of Theological Patrology in the School of the Holy Cross, Boston, U.S.A.
“The presence of Hellenism in the contemporary being”
Mr. Constantinos Holevas, Political Scientist, Writer
“The literary employment of Hellenism. From the Romanesque of Trapezountian Song to the “Hellenism” by Vassilis Michailidis”
Mr. Nicolaos Orphanides, Member of the Committee of Education Service of Cyprus, Writter
“The dynamic of Hellenism in the future”
Mr. John Dandoulakis Political Scientist, Internationalist, Nominee Doctor
“Romiosini in the internet”
Dr. Christos Nikolaou, General Manager of the Websites of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and of N.G.O. "Romiosini"


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