Sunday, 09 Feb, 2025

2nd Meeting of the Friends of N.G.O. "Romiosini"

Following the successful 1st Meeting of the Friends of the N.G.O. "Romiosini", held in October 2008, we invite you to the 2nd Meeting of the Friends of the N.G.O. "Romiosini" on Sunday, October 11, 2009 at the headquarters of the offices, Exarchate of the Holy Sepulchre, Erechtheos 18, Plaka, Athens.

The meeting will begin at 08:00 with church attendance at the Church of the Holy Ridges, located in the property of the Exarchate of the Holy Sepulchre and will continue at 10:30 with treats and discussion among the friends of the N.G.O. "Romiosini".

N.G.O. "Romiosini" Secretariat

Terms of N.G.O.

Exterior entrance of the offices of the N.G.O.


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The use of the material of the website is allowed with an attribute to the source as follows: N.G.O. “Romiosini” of Jerusalem Patriarchate

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